Thursday, November 26, 2009

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

I mean couldn't we saw he's black or mexican or asian or indian or RAINBOW.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

Because he was painted that way by a lot of medieval Italians. The Roman Catholic Church is based in Rome and commissioned a lot of religious artwork, by artists who used models from where they were, in Italy.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

If he was jewish I dont understand why some people claim he was black.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

I always figured he was Indian.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

yellow skinned = middle eastern

locks of black bushy hair and the most beautiful charisma to go with the package sent from God above. S.O. Solomon

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

That A good Questions considering where he was born , wouldn't he be of A darker color just curious

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

Funny, when I visited the Vatican a few years ago, every depiction of Jesus showed a man with alabaster skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. Kind of funny for a man born in Egypt some 2,000 years ago.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

I asked the same question.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

If Hollywood depicted a black Jesus in the movies for instance, do you think it would be a commercial success?

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

You know, whatever is convenient...

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

Because all the best artists painted him that way. Da Vinci made the rules back then.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

The Lord Jesus features are Hebrew. That means He has black hair, middle eastern skin and height.

That's all i know.

Of course after He was glorified, He appears to His disciples in several appearances such as white hair white as snow...bronze feet etc....

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

Well, if Jesus was a Jew. Well then he was a Jew.

I mean after all, wasn't Jesus from the Mid East?

Technically speaking, Egyptians can be called Africans.

But, when I think of an African, I do not think Egyptian.

The people that come to mind when I say African are people from places like Zaire, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, etc.

When I say Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, etc. I think North African.

When I think of Jesus, I do not think Mexican, Italian, Canadian, etc.

I think Mid-Easterner.

And why? Because that is where he came from.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

Because ancient Romans didn't think that the image of Christ the way he really would have been was their idea of beautiful and they wanted to depict him as special and beautiful.

Why is it that people assume Jesus was white and had long brown hair?

Maybe because in the bible it says that he had skin of bronze and wooly hair. Dark brown skin and nappy hair. Maybe that's

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