Thursday, November 26, 2009

How do I revive my curls?

I'm of mixed background (Black and Asian). Naturually my hair was curly when I was younger. As I got older I started dyeing my hair and have lost all my curls. How can I get my curls back.

How do I revive my curls?

You hair didn't revert immediately after rinsing out the dye? When it was wet? If not, do you have some natural curls, and some that are very limp, and damaged-looking?

If so, you have heat damage, and the only way to correct the problem, is to get rid of the damage. You can use products, such as activators, or conditioners, to make the hair curl again, but it will only be temporary, and once you wash out the product, your hair will go back to looking the way it was before the product.

I've had heat damage before, from flat-ironing, but thankfully, I had only a few strands that were damaged. I cut them off myself. (Don't recommend you doing that, though.) But, to be 100% sure of what may or may not be wrong, ask a stylist. They will let you know if you have heat damage, or if you have somehow just loosened your curl pattern. I've heard of that happening.

How do I revive my curls?

Spiral curl set and a curling activator

How do I revive my curls?

Stop dyeing it and try deep conditioning treatments. If that doesn't work, go to a pro.

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