Sunday, November 29, 2009

What will baby look like if both parents are mixed?

father is mixed with innuit, black, asian, arab and white with hazel eyes and dark brown hair with blonde stands

mother is hispanic, white and pacific islander has blue eyes and red hair

what will the child look like

What will baby look like if both parents are mixed?

the baby will be beautiful. vanessa williams parents are both mixed, and she came out light skinned with long hair and grayish blue eyes. shes beautiful!

What will baby look like if both parents are mixed?

proabably like a tan hispanic or a really light arab

What will baby look like if both parents are mixed?


What will baby look like if both parents are mixed?

very mixed, hopefully healthy and happy. Dont worry, the baby will be beautiful.

What will baby look like if both parents are mixed?

He or She will look like their self. And will be beautiful.

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