Sunday, June 20, 2010

Japanese Guys!!?

Hey everyone, I don't really get what's wrong with me and my instant attraction to Asian guys, especially Japanese dudes. Maybe it's their eyes, or their cute hair, their face, their bodies, i don't know. Today I told my mom about my attraction, and she said that she would be against me marrying an asian guy, because "asian would be the dominant gene and youd lose your heritage" as if that makes much sense. It really bummed me out, considering she expects me to marry a Muslim guy, or a guy who is Turkish. Goshh I've never met a nice Turkish dude, they're very sexist, if they r religious, which i am not. some r nice, but not that handsome.. ok tarkan is okay... But what about african americans? what if i mary an african american? and what if i marry a hispanic guy? why doz it matter??? i feel limited to marrying turkish guys, but... i feel so trapped in a tiny box, and even tho my mom sayz whoever i love i will marry, i cant help but feel like im in a small cage.

Japanese Guys!!?

OmG!!! I'M CrAzY AbOuT JaPaNeSe bOyS ToO!!!(sO...CuTe) i DoN't kNoW tOo mUcH AbOuT YoUr mOM BuT If iF CoMeS DoWn tO It tHaT YoU FiNd yOuR SoUl MaTe WHo iS A DiFfERnT RaCe ThEn ThE OnE YoUr mOM ThiNKs iS RiGhT.....ThEn iT ShOuLdN'T MaTtEr BeCaUsE As lOnG As yOu lOvE ThaT PeRsOn aNd thEy lOvE YoU bAcK.................nOtHInG ShOulD CoMe b-TWeEN ThaT eSpEaCiAlLy nOt fOr tHe wRoNg rEaSoN!!! bUt tAkE YoUr mOm's tHoUgHT InTo cOnSiDeRaTiOn.........AnD yOuR InStInTs wIll tELL YoU WhO'S RiGhT For yOu.

Japanese Guys!!?

ey i thought WHITES had the small penis stop hating cause japs and asians look better than your lame race youve proven america is stupid to follow stereotypes oh and i suppose all black men have huge ones ? americans are so stupid Report It

Japanese Guys!!?

i keep seeing people say prooven facts ? what damn prooven facts ? unless you looked at every single jap and asian's penis in the world (which would make u gay) nothing is a proven fact Report It

Japanese Guys!!?

white people just made the asian small penis thing up cause white guys got tired of being the ones with the tiny penis lmfao hahahahahahaha awww poor whitey Report It

Japanese Guys!!?

and since its a so proven fact ? want me to show you some asian japanese korean vietnamese sites ? and they have big penises ? well do you ? lets see if you keep talkin then Report It

Japanese Guys!!?

your welcome....i thought i was the only one(lol) Report It

Japanese Guys!!?

Japanese guys are the hottest.

Japanese Guys!!?

you have the right to marry anybody you want, this is america

Japanese Guys!!?

your mom is feeding you bullshit, you don't lose your heritage just by marrying someone of another race

maybe she is trying to trick you because she feels more secure that you marry someone of her own race

ultimately your mother may or may not accept the guy you marry, but she will still love you

remember, race will not matter in the end, as long as he is human, and not some ravenous gargling bear =P

Japanese Guys!!?

Do whatever you want. Geez. Who cares what others say. As long as you are cool with it, that's all that matters. The guy is going to be in your world and not theirs, so what they say shouldn't really matter to you.

Japanese Guys!!?

wow u are not so lost there sorry im not japanese, but i love them i have this guy a my school he is sooooooooooo hooooot umm everything his good looking too yea muslim i personaly think they all look a like, im mexican and most mexican guys are jelous over other men so thats up to you, ummmmm african american sound good to and there sexy body

well im verry sorry that you mom wants you to marry your own race that would suck because im mexican and married to a white man hahahaha

Japanese Guys!!?

mmm apparently if u love someone whether what kind of race he is it doesnt matter just follow ur heart,but if u dnt feel like marrying guys from ur race then go for it whoever u felt that will be perfect for u..U have urself to make u happy and ur mom she was just afraid but afterall she will understand why!japanese or asian guys are hot too..but i dnt really know how other asian countries treat there ladies bec. in my country guys are always gentle and ask urself girl and then when ur truth about it then go for it;)

Japanese Guys!!? many jealous guys answering this sad

Japanese Guys!!?

japanesee ? think about the small jack in the box

deffinatlly wont be a good at bed life

find a nice albanian or bosnian dude

Japanese Guys!!?

Asians=small penis don't do it

Japanese Guys!!?

Im gonna step right in before people start.

Proven facts:

1. Asians on average have smaller penis's by .5inch

2. Size doesnt matter as long as it is 4-9inch's long (more or less and you have problems)

As for the rest of this question thats something you have to talk to your parents about and hope that they will be understanding and reasonable.

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