Friday, June 18, 2010

Men don't find me very attractive?

I don't know what it is, but ever since I've never had a boyfriend. And when I was 19, only the ugly guys ( or I mean guys who weren't my type) came after me. What do you think it is?

I don't think it's my personality? could it be? I'm not mean to anyone? At least not on purpose.

Would you like me or think I was cute if I was in your class?

-Asian (filipino)

-dark hair and eyes




I'm just an ordinary pacific islander person or asian, whatever. So what do you think? I know that most of it may deal with the person's personality, but.....

just on the physical aspects of me. Would you date me? If at all ?

Men don't find me very attractive?

perhaps you come across as unapproachable. Do you make eye contact? Smile?

Men don't find me very attractive?

I meant people. Not you princessJ. It should be what people SHOULD do. PEople like me! :-) Report It

Men don't find me very attractive?

well, we white guys do love asian women... hehe

Men don't find me very attractive?

I don't know, honeybunch. But no, I woudn't date you because I'm a woman and not lesbian. Try not to worry too much about this--just concentrate on school or work and somebody will eventually come along.

Men don't find me very attractive?

Sounds abit narrow minded

Men don't find me very attractive?

The information you gave aren't enough but it shouldn't be a problem. Anyways, true love IS based on personality. Ask your family or close friends who know you for advice. Especially if it's a boy.

Men don't find me very attractive?

Are you just average or are you cute in the face it could be the way the way you treat people.

Men don't find me very attractive?

I would date sound gorgeous but that may intimidate the opposite sex. Have you tried to approach a guy that you found attractive? Don't wait for them to make the first move go and get what you want. If you wait for someone else to make your life may be waiting the rest of your life (I know that sounded very Dr. Phil-like but it's true).

Men don't find me very attractive?

You are too hard on yourself. Give it some time. You should also try to be more open minded about which guys you think are right for you. You may be looking in the wrong areas.

Men don't find me very attractive?

Yeah, come to America, Asians are hot! ;)

But, seriously, it's not just your looks. How do you carry yourself? Are you funny, outgoing? Or do you hang against the wall in social situations?

Find groups of people that have things in common with you. The guys will flock to you if you share something in common and have things to talk about.

Men don't find me very attractive?

I agree with the person who said maybe you come across as unapproachable. You sound very pretty, try smiling at people more other than that I'm sure someone will come along who is equally as attracted to you as you are to them.

Men don't find me very attractive?

just by yoour dicription there is no reason why i would not date you just keep looking youll find the guy

good luck

Men don't find me very attractive?

Try to be a bit more outgoing, you seem like you might be shy. If you keep to yourself then no, guys aren't going to notice you. Go talk to random people, be outgoing. Flirt a little, even if you're not interested in the guy. And enjoy yourself. Guys seem to mostly notice girls who put themselves out there and are fun and enjoy themselves. Good luck =)

Men don't find me very attractive?

I wouldn't date you because you come across as someone who is shallow, judgmental, insecure and vain.

Most people date someone they have something in common with, if all you care about is how you look, then it's hard for them to get to know you.

Stop focusing on the external, you can't change it anyway, and start getting out, listening/talking to people without judging them based on their looks. You'll find yourself more popular and happy, and probably with more dates

Men don't find me very attractive?

I can date you now if you want, I love Asian girl

Men don't find me very attractive?

Flip power!!

Men don't find me very attractive?

I think you somehow seem unapproachable to guys who are your type. If you are reasonably physically attractive, even ugly with a good body, you don't need to do much to get dates.

Forget about the eye contact myth, that means nothing to most guys.

You just need to be where the guys are and be approachable. Smile, ask questions, be friendly. That's it, nothing more required.

But for extra credit, dress to attract the right kind of guy. Be clumsy and drop stuff to single out the gallant type. Bring a prop as a conversation starter to draw attention to yourself.

If you single out one guy you really like, just touch his arm lightly when you talk to him, if he is attracted to you in the least you now have his full attention.

It's so easy for girls. For a shy guy nothing is easy except to just give up and find a hobby.

Men don't find me very attractive?

Perhaps they might be intimidated by you. Guys might automatically think your already taken. Where do you try to meet these guys? You should try to meet guys like in a job or something. I have a friend who is also filipino, he's 31 and looks younger. He also has been single for a long time. Try making male friends and they might be interested in you or might introduce you to other friends

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